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Sunday, August 24, 2008


Harry Potter 6, (the movie), originally scheduled for November 21, has been delayed UNTIL JULY OF NEXT YEAR. I have but one thing to say: "BULLCRAP!".

4 Grumpy Teen-O-Grams:

Shanana said...

I concur! I was really looking forward to watching that this winter!

Mommalynne said...

Oh NO! I agree!

I don't want the kids to get too old to play their parts believably.

Do you know why? Is someone sick or pregnant or anything?

Di said...

I discovered that but one day ago and am also incredibly dissappointed. Have you seen the trailer? AWESOME! And its all because summer movies bring in more money. Sons of Beastesses!

Natotater said...

No, nobody's pregnant! The filming is already done, and editing will still be done on time. The only reason they're doing this is because WB wants their big blockbuster of the year. They claim that Dark Knight earned them more than they expected, (though they obviously knew it would,) and now they want something for high profit next year. WB, you got some esplainin' to do!